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Horse Show Essentials

Posted by aktivadmin on 17th Jan 2020

Horse Show Essentials
Horse shows can be overwhelming. Being prepared is always a great way to ease some of the stress and tension of show day. From weekend long events to one day only shows, preparation is key in making sure that you and your horse perform at their peak. Here are some Horse Show Essentials to help prepare you for any show this upcoming season.


Having your event registration, Coggins test, health certificates, and association card(s) on hand when arriving will assist in starting your show experience off smoothly. Be sure to have all necessary paperwork to ensure you start out on a positive note.

Staying Organized

Being organized can help make any show day go by smoothly. Be sure to bring a clean small bucket with you to every show. Not only can you use it as a water bucket for your horse after events, but it can also be an easy and convenient way to carry small items to prepare your horse for showing. Keep a few cheap sponges in a plastic bag so that they can always be available. You also want to keep things like a small shampoo bottle, extra hoof picks, scrub brush, and small hand towels. Having all of those things in one grooming box can do wonders for your show day.

Don’t Neglect Yourself

With all the focus on the horse, it is sometimes easy to forget the needs of the rider. Keeping your own essentials in a show backpack can assist in making sure you have everything that you need for the day. Keeping a water bottle large enough to last throughout the day will ensure that you stay hydrated and perform your best. Protecting yourself from the sun can be key for shows in the spring and summer, so having sunscreen and sunglasses is important and sometimes overlooked. Keep the order-of-show handy so that you can follow the schedule and prepare for your event(s). Having treats like peppermints or licorice in your show backpack is very helpful. Most of the time those are individually wrapped so you don’t have to worry about a mess, and they are great motivational tools for your horse.

Down Time

Show days can be long and draining so taking breaks is necessary. Portable chargers are essential for any show. Outlets and charging stations are rare on most show grounds so being able stay charged throughout the day is key. Try getting one that allows for multiple devices and charges your device completely without dying. Show day jitters come with the pressures of the sport. However, preparation can help ease some of those worries. But once you have the essentials, you will be able to handle anything that comes up on show day.  Have more ideas for a horse show essentials list? Let us know below.