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What Are the Benefits of Riding Breeches?

Posted by Country & Stable on 17th Jan 2023

What Are the Benefits of Riding Breeches?

Riding breeches help to allow for freedom of movement. Read more about how to sit more comfortably while you ride, here.

Did you know that horses can hear your heartbeat from up to four feet away? Also, some horses are so sensitive that they can feel your heartbeat through the saddle.

It's also important for the rider to have a similar connection. We can feel our horses' muscles move in ways that signal interest, fear, or excitement. Our physical connection with our horses is vital. 

Proper riding breeches not only help riders look good in the show ring. Breeches are also an essential part of the equipment we use to keep ourselves comfortable and connected. 

Keep reading to learn more about how the right pair of breeches are just a click away. 

The Importance of Riding Breeches

It's true that you can ride in any pair of pants. Some riders may wear shorts when they're riding bareback. But horse riding breeches are designed to keep the rider comfortable in the saddle. 

Jeans and other pants have seams on the inside of your leg. After even a few minutes in the saddle, these seams can irritate your skin. Riding breeches don't have an inside seam, ensuring a comfortable feel that can keep you in the saddle all day. 

Breeches also have a shorter length than jeans. They typically end mid-calf, allowing room for comfortable socks and a perfect fit inside your tall boots. The Velcro closure or elasticated material at the bottom of the leg also keeps your breeches from riding up. 

Breeches might all be constructed in a similar way, but not all breeches are the same. 

Different Types of Riding Breeches

The time of year, your chosen riding discipline, horse show rules, and your gender all affect your choice of equestrian goods. With so many styles of breeches, it can be difficult to choose the right ones. Here's a guide to riding breeches to help you make the best choice. 

Schooling Breeches 

Horseback riding can be a messy sport. Grass stains, manure stains, and horse slobber are just a part of life with horses. When you're practicing with your horse or doing barn chores, you want a pair of sturdy breeches that hold up to stains. 

Some riders swap old show breeches for schooling breeches. But buying schooling breeches also lets you have a little fun with your style. Since bright colors aren't allowed in most show rings, you can have fun with your magenta, purple, or patterned schooling breeches. 

Winter Breeches 

Riding doesn't stop when it's cold, so winter breeches are a must. These breeches feature heavier material but still have a flattering shape and are lined with cozy fleece to keep you warm. The fleece material also wicks away the sweat that could make you colder. 

Riding tights are similar to winter breeches. They're also lined with warm material but feature a lighter outer shell. Riding tights are perfect for those slightly warmer days. 

Cross-Country Breeches 

Cross-country is a demanding sport for both horses and riders. Riders need to ensure that they and their horses have all the right equipment. 

During cross-country events, your breeches need to be tough enough to handle scrapes and possible falls. Having silicone or faux suede grips on your cross-country breeches is also a top choice for riders. 

These full seat grips help keep you where you belong, in the saddle. 

Hunter Breeches 

The hunter ring can be a formal affair. Your horse's mane and tail must be impeccably braided, his coat needs to gleam, and your turnout must be flawless. 

Light-colored breeches are mandatory in hunter classes. Beige, buff, or light yellow are the preferred colors. Since these colors contrast with your dark-colored saddle, the judges can see your leg position better. 

If your riding breeches have belt loops, it's required that you wear a belt that doesn't clash with the rest of your outfit. 

Dressage Breeches

For many riders, dressage is the pinnacle of horsemanship. Horses and riders train for years to master the specific movements required in dressage competitions. Riders' clothing must match the level of dressage they've achieved. 

White is the standard color for dressage breeches. Light tan or yellow breeches are allowed but are usually worn by riders competing at lower levels. Dressage riders are also encouraged to wear a belt with their breeches for horse riding for a more professional look. 

Show Jumping Breeches

Show jumping is all accuracy and speed. Horses and riders must clear a series of keeping all the poles up and sometimes within the fastest time possible. Since show jumping has achieved worldwide popularity, the rider's attire must follow strict rules.

Show jumping competitors must be fully dressed in a show shirt, jacket, breeches, and boots whenever they are in front of spectators. Most show jumpers wear white breeches, but light beige is permitted. Again, belts are required if your breeches have belt loops. 

Ensuring Your Breeches Fit Properly

The fit of your breeches is very important. They should be snug enough to prevent bunching but loose enough to allow freedom of movement. 

Women's riding breeches usually feature two fits, low-rise and regular. For low-rise breeches, measure around your hips. For regular breeches, measure around your waist. 

Then measure your inseam to find the proper length. A size guide is your best friend when shopping for new breeches. 

Men's riding breeches tend to have a different construction. Many men prefer a heavier fabric for their breeches. Breeches with pleats in the front are also popular with men. Regardless, the proper fit is the most important aspect. 

Let Country & Stable Help You Find the Perfect Pair of Breeches

Whether you're competing in upper-level dressage or eventing or enjoying a casual hack, your riding breeches are essential. Country & Stable has breeches for every event in every type of weather. 

Click here to browse our selection and get back in the saddle in the most stylish and comfortable way possible.